
Gates Foundation - Gender Equality

Brief - How do you increase awareness for the foundation's work in Gender Equality?


  • Launch a new aesthetic for gender equality content as part of International Women’s Day. The new approach celebrated power, accomplishment, and diversity in women worldwide. We sourced imagery, developed a new landing page for the Gender Equality section, and created specific Ideas articles for this moment. This led to the highest engagement for an International Women’s Day at the Gates Foundation.

  • Source stories across the foundation's gender equality program and develop articles for's Ideas section. Use these articles to connect the economic issues to gender equality

  • Collaborate with comms and program teams to create the roadmap for how gender equality advocacy would be repositioned with the Gates Foundation. The new strategy focused more on human stories of success and celebration of female power. This strategy was used for the content rolled out in 2024.

WHO Foundation - Go Give One

Brief - Launch a global campaign to raise funds for all the countries that can't afford Covid vaccines. We had less than 5 weeks to do so.


  • Source a fundraising platform optimized for speed of checkout, use of AI to improve donation experience and strong analytics to understand our customer quickly. As a small team we need to rely on a platform that allowed us to operate on a glabl scale with minimal resources. I selected, onboarded and operationalized the FundraiseUp platform.

  • Develop a visual language based on illustration as we did not have enough time to source owned images.

  • Set up a website and site analytics. I designed set up and operationalized the site. I then brought on agency to replatform the site and run it on an ongoing basis.

  • Use the customer data we received from the donation platform to start an email campaign to increase donor engagement.

Gates Foundation - Global Fund

Brief: We had last-minute information that some countries may decrease their donation to the Global Fund in 2022. We needed to highlight the ones increasing their donations on a real-time basis to place pressure on all other countries to step up.


  • Engage with countries that increased their donation across all social to give them a public thank you so that other countries would take notice. Due to the short time, I proposed an illustration approach that allowed us to use country iconography to celebrate their culture in a more personal way while also thanking them. We then set up a team to monitor country announcements, launch the animations, and then tag in other countries that were due to announce.

Gates Foundation - COP

Brief: Position the Gates Foundation as a voice in climate adaptation at COP 2022.


  • Launch a campaign to highlight the big ideas that have already made a difference in climate adaptation. The forum was mainly focused on climate change prevention. We needed to show that real farmers are already using tools to adapt to climate change and more funding is needed to create more tools. We created a video series that launched through all social channels on the day when climate adaptation talks were happening at COP.

WHO Foundation - Emergency Appeal

Brief: Use the infrastructure set up for the Go Give One campaign to enable quicker appeals for donations for developing health emergencies


  • I developed an Emergency Appeal ToolKit that included site, email and performance media templates. Due to the donation platform, we selected we could deploy a new appeal in 2-3 days from the point we were notified of a health emergency around the world.